Tuesday, September 25, 2012

etiquette, pt 4

what's noteworthy here?
  1. "priority seating for seniors and disabled" sign
  2. no matter how professional you may look otherwise, white backpack straps make you look like a kid again -- a very old kid
  3. empty, non-priority seating on the right
what you might not know:
  1. strappy here was standing.  who knows what prompted him to sit.
  2. the train was pretty empty, so no one was actually being inconvenienced.  still, it bothers me.


  1. 1. "Priority" seating for seniors and disabled: this sign does not neccessarily mean that the seats are restricted only to seniors and disabled. It means anyone can sit on these seats. However, if by request or you see a senior standing when the MTA is crowded, you have to stand up and offer your seat to the senior, pregnant woman, or person with disability first.
    2. You might be a person that is well-dressed, matched from the top of your hat to the bottom of your shoes and you're just writing about your opinions, but it's a bad etiquette to make fun of people on how they were dressed or looked... You are either ethnocentric or have superiority complex.
    3. Read 1 again.

    1. 1. yes, the semantics of the english language are a mystery to me. thanks for the clarification. wait, was i thinking that someone with a disability might board and think "oh, i don't want to bother anyone, i'll just sit somewhere else?" nah, couldn't be.

      2. no, i'm not well-dressed at all. but i also don't try. this person is both trying and failing. in fact, it's actually bad etiquette to not point it out, as the person will never learn and just go around looking foolish without knowing it. knowledge is power =)

      3. hmmm, i did read 1 again and, wait, now i remember! if i combine 1 and 3, it means the person had a better choice. leave the priority seating alone and sit in the empty seat. amazing what happens when things combine to more than the sum of their parts, isn't it?
